Thank you, Travis Childers, for organizing "Self-Isolation" - an art show that tracks art created during the Covid pandemic - through the Ruby Projects art gallery. From Travis, "And here it is finally, our Hall of Portraits, part of our next online show: Self-Isolation! I still have to do the labels for the video but you can go ahead and see all the great work in these images. I would like to thank all the artists who by looking at themselves now let us look at them! This is really a great show with incredible art and aside from the video to show the work I think I’m going to make one talking about the pieces in it because a lot of interesting things and parallels emerged. Again, thank you to all the amazing artists who made this exhibition so incredible: Lina Alattar, Leda Black, Sally Brucker, Erika Cleveland, Andrea Cybyk, Joel D’Orazio, Jim Duckworth, Alexis Duque, Anna Fine-Foer, HN James, Susan Jamison, Anna Katalkina, Heather Levy, Steve Loya, Laurel Lukaszewski, Marion Edith MacDonald, Raymond MacDonald, Mathew Eric Mendez, Nazanin Noroozi, Shanti Norris, Francisca Oviedo, Megan Peritore, Billy Renkl, Greg Sand, Renee Sandell, Kristy Saunders, Gregg Schlanger, Martina Sestakova, Alexandra N Sherman, Barbara Slitkin, Sherry Trachtman, Angela White, Bud Wilkinson, Willy Yowaiski, Geanne Zeller."